I started driving and as we were pulling up on the side of the house we see someone in the drive way working on a car- and we think it might be the guy I'm asking, but it's too dark to tell. I hurry and keep driving up the street thinking maybe they'll be inside by the time we come back down. As we come down the street we see that the person is still outside working on the car. So we start debating back and forth saying "should we come a different day?" "but we don't know if we will have time to do it later this week" and stuff like that, and we decide that we should just do it that night.
So this guys house has a bunch of trees and bushes in front of it, so I tell my friends that they could probably make it to the front door without being seen, and I'll just be the getaway driver (cause there was no way I was gonna risk being seen haha) So they say ok and start going up to the house.
I'm sitting in my car and it's been a while and I'm thinking wow where are they?
Then suddenly I hear my friends yell "DING DONG" and then I see them running back to my car. So they hop in and we start driving away and I ask them what happened. They then tell me that they couldn't make it to the front door so they just yelled ding dong (like a doorbell haha), put it on a rock as close as they could get so that the person working on the car would see it and pick it up.
fast forward to the next morning and my friend goes up to the guy saying "hey I heard you got asked to Sadies?" He looks at her and says "Yah but I don't know who asked me, I walked out this morning and found the poster and a half eaten cake"
Turns out the person working on the car never got the cake and some wild animals ate it while it sat outside overnight haha