Sunday, February 28, 2016

To the 5 Juniors in this class about to take the ACT

Sometimes I take personality tests for fun just to see how close they actually get to describing me

I remember in 7th grade when we took the color code test in CTE for the first time and I was mad because I got white

I wanted to get blue because it's my favorite color and all of my friends got blue 

but white probably fit me better and who cares what test results your friends get

we shouldn't care

I think sometimes we compare our test results with other people as if our test results define who we are

and a test might be able to tell you how many questions you get right and how many questions you get wrong

but a test won't tell you why Viva La Vida still reminds you of that rusty blue Honda

It won't talk about the 2nd grade and the time you slipped through a doggy door into a vacant house with your friends (there were rumors about a ghost, but all you found was an empty guitar hero box)

you almost died a week before your 11th birthday and a test won't know who saved you
but you will never forget

you still hate milkweed and you used to be afraid of wind and water, and most of your friends can't explain that one so how could a test?

It won't tell you why you love Roxberry or the Maze Runner or why you've always wanted to go to Europe

your results might reflect the time you took to study or how lucky you are at guessing

but you are not your test results
please don't forget that


  1. Okay so this is amazing and I love it and you and good job.

  2. "you still hate milkweed and you used to be afraid of wind and water" YOO I LOVED THIS LINE. #stolen

    I loved this whole thing. This idea is great. I wish I could've read this when I was a junior.

  3. Most important thing I've read all day.

    "as if our test results define who we are"

  4. Beautiful. We all need to remember this more often.

  5. Beautiful. We all need to remember this more often.

  6. this is UNREAL. We are so much more than a test score.

    Thank you.

  7. this was so great. Everybody needs to read this. Can we please have an assembly just so you can read this to the school? that would be great

  8. ok. Wow. um you're a flipping incredible writer.
    thank you for this.

  9. the part about viva la vida
    and your 11th birthday
    and europe
    and this is so personal but so relatable at the same time and i still don't know how to do that
    and im such a fan right now.
